Saturday, abril, 07 de 2018
El sueño de tener una propiedad a orillas del río Amazonas... ¡a tu alcance!
¡No pierdas esta Gran Oportunidad!
The dream of owning a property close to the Amazon River's side... at your fingertips!
Don't miss this great opportunity!
El sueño de tener una propiedad a orillas del río Amazonas... ¡a tu alcance!
¡No pierdas esta Gran Oportunidad!
The dream of owning a property close to the Amazon River's side... at your fingertips!
Don't miss this great opportunity!
135 Acres a pocos metros de "Donde nace el río Amazonas", frente a la Reserva Pacaya-Samiria, la más grande del Perú, en una de las zonas de mayor biodiversidad del mundo.
135 acres a few meters from "where the Amazon River begins", nearby Pacaya-Samiria Natural Reserve, the biggest in Perú, in one of the zones with the greatest biodiversity in the whole world.
El Fundo “Miramar” está a 1:30 h al sur-oeste de la ciudad y del Aeropuerto Internacional de Iquitos; y al Nor-este a 7 Km. de la ciudad de Nauta, capital de Provincia, Departamento de Loreto, en el Perú, en la desembocadura del Río Marañón, afluente del río Amazonas.
"Miramar lands" is 90 minutes away, at the south-west, from Iquitos city and from Iquitos International Airport; and it is 7 kms. away, at the north-east, from Nauta city, the capital of Provincia, department of Loreto, in Perú. It is nearby the ending of Maranon River, an affluent of the Amazon River.
Tiene un área de 135 Acres (550 m x 1000 m).
Su topografía es irregular, y es transitada por dos quebradas de aguas naturales. Además tiene 4 cochas con aguas que son alimentadas por las quebradas.
La vegetación es tupida con las variedades de la zona, árboles maderables, medicinales, orquídeas amazónicas, etc. Variedad de especies animales silvestres, roedores, aves, mamíferos, etc; son normalmente avistados.
It has a total area of 135 acres (550 meters x 1000 meters).
Its topography is irregular and crossed by two natural water courses. Besides, it has 4 water creeks ("cochas") which are supplied of water by the water courses.
Vegetation is abundant, populated by local vegetal species, woody and medicinal trees, amazon orchids, etc. There is a great variety of wild animal species: rodents, birds, mammals, etc.; they are commonly sighted.

Terreno no inundable, cuya elevación alcanza los 35 m de altura sobre el nivel del río.
550.0 m de orilla en el río Marañón (margen izquierda), afluente a poca distancia de donde nace el río Amazonas y 1000.0 m de fondo de Terreno.
550.0 m de orilla en el río Marañón (margen izquierda), afluente a poca distancia de donde nace el río Amazonas y 1000.0 m de fondo de Terreno.
Si miramos desde el satélite la naciente del Amazonas, comprobaremos que los terrenos que están en la margen izquierda son los terrenos altos que corresponden a la boca del Río Marañón; y en la margen derecha que corresponde a la boca del Río Ucayali están las tierras aluvionales o inundables.
The land is flood-free; its elevation reaches 35 meters above the river levels.
550.0 meters of the terrain border the left margin of the Maranon River, an affluent close to the very begining of the amazon River, and the land has 1000.0 from front to the bottom.
In a satellite view of the Amazon River beginning, we will verify that the lands on the left margin are high lands that belong to the Maranon River opening; and on the right margin, that belongs to the Ucayali River opening, the lands are considered floodable
550.0 meters of the terrain border the left margin of the Maranon River, an affluent close to the very begining of the amazon River, and the land has 1000.0 from front to the bottom.
In a satellite view of the Amazon River beginning, we will verify that the lands on the left margin are high lands that belong to the Maranon River opening; and on the right margin, that belongs to the Ucayali River opening, the lands are considered floodable
Soñar con tener un centro de investigaciones, o un hotel para turismo ecológico o de aventura, un albergue, o un sitio de descanso, etc;
con vista frontal a la Reserva Pacaya-Samiria y a 40 km lineales nor-este de la otra Reserva Alpahuayo-Mishana.
con vista frontal a la Reserva Pacaya-Samiria y a 40 km lineales nor-este de la otra Reserva Alpahuayo-Mishana.
Dreaming with owning a research center, a hotel for ecologic or adventure tourism, a lodge, or a resting site, etc. with frontal view to Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve and 40 kms away, in north-eastern direction, from another reserve, the Alpahuayo-Mishana Reserve.
Desde lo alto se contempla la confluencia de los dos ríos. Por ser la desembocadura de los dos afluentes más importantes del Amazonas, la pesca es generosa en sábalos, tucunarés, grandes bagres, gamitadas, etc.
Desde lo alto se contempla la confluencia de los dos ríos. Por ser la desembocadura de los dos afluentes más importantes del Amazonas, la pesca es generosa en sábalos, tucunarés, grandes bagres, gamitadas, etc.
From the highest parts you can contemplate the joining of two rivers. Since the 2 more important affluents of the Amazon River come together, fishing is generous in catfish, "sabalo", "tucanar", "gamitada", etc.
En la márgen derecha, a cinco Km. De la desembocadura, al costado izquierdo de la propiedad está la quebrada Yarapa, conocida porque su ecosistema alberga al bufeo colorado, especie protegida y muy apreciada por los turistas y estudiosos.
Con los materiales naturales se puede construir un mirador en la parte alta de la propiedad lo que permitiría tener una vista privilegiada de la naciente,… de la ciudad de Nauta… y de la Reserva Pacaya-Samíria - la reserva más grande del Perú. A esa altura contemplar uno de los ecosistemas mas asombrosos del mundo y los bosques circundantes, con una variada flora y fauna, y una variedad de peces que dan el marco al sistema hídrico más grande del mundo, es el mejor premio para los ojos y el espíritu. Pero hay mas… a esa altura se puede ver con buenos binoculares la otra Reserva Natural Alpahuayo-Mishana (40 Km. Lineales aprox.). La Reserva Alpahuayo-Mishana que esta a la altura del km.33 de la carretera Iquitos-Nauta y su ámbito abarca hasta el río Nanay.
The Yarapa Creek is located on the right margin, 5 kms. away from the river opening, on the left side of the property. It is well known becasue its ecosystem lodges the red "bufeo", an endangered and protected species which is very appreciated by tpurists and researchers.
With available natural materials, a viewpoint can be constructed on the higher parts of the property, so it would permit a privileged viewing of the river, of Nauta city, and the Pacaya-Samiria Natural Reserve- the biiggest reserve in Perú. This view of one of the world's greatest ecosystems and circundant forests, with great variety of flora and fauna, and a large variety of fish in the world's largest hydric system, is the best prize for your eyes and your spirit. But there is more... at that height, with a good pair of binoculars you could see the other reserve, Alpahuayo-Mishana (40 kms away). The Alpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve is located on km. 33 of Nauta-Iquitos highway and its territory extends upto Nanay River.
With available natural materials, a viewpoint can be constructed on the higher parts of the property, so it would permit a privileged viewing of the river, of Nauta city, and the Pacaya-Samiria Natural Reserve- the biiggest reserve in Perú. This view of one of the world's greatest ecosystems and circundant forests, with great variety of flora and fauna, and a large variety of fish in the world's largest hydric system, is the best prize for your eyes and your spirit. But there is more... at that height, with a good pair of binoculars you could see the other reserve, Alpahuayo-Mishana (40 kms away). The Alpahuayo-Mishana National Reserve is located on km. 33 of Nauta-Iquitos highway and its territory extends upto Nanay River.
Los amaneceres amazónicos son preciosos, han inspirado a muchos poetas y los atardeceres seduce a otros que quieren perennizarlos en sus acuarelas.
Amazonian dawns are beautiful; they have served as a grat source of inspiration for poets. And the sunset seduces others who prefer to immotalize them thru painting.
Haz clic en este enlace para mayor información científica de la zona:
Click on the following link for further scientific information about the zone:
Amazonian dawns are beautiful; they have served as a grat source of inspiration for poets. And the sunset seduces others who prefer to immotalize them thru painting.
Haz clic en este enlace para mayor información científica de la zona:
Click on the following link for further scientific information about the zone:
More info:
This National Reserve is located in the Loreta region, in the Provinces of Loreta, Requena, Ucayali and Alto Amazonas, in Peru. It has a surface area of 2,080,000 hectares and due to it's size it is the largest in the country, the second largest in the Amazon, and the fourth in South America. It's central position in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as it's great expansion assure conservation of representative samples of the tropical humid forests ecosystems and supports investigations of the wild flora and fauna ( land and water).
The fauna of the reserve is abundant and diverse. The number of mammal species reaches 132 species, those which stand out are the rodents and monkeys. There are 330 bird species registered, 23 of them are migratory, corresponding to 17% of all birds reported for the country. The reptiles and amphibians are estimated to be more than 150 species grouped into 20 families and they have reports of the existence of 220 fish species.
This National Reserve is located in the Loreta region, in the Provinces of Loreta, Requena, Ucayali and Alto Amazonas, in Peru. It has a surface area of 2,080,000 hectares and due to it's size it is the largest in the country, the second largest in the Amazon, and the fourth in South America. It's central position in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as it's great expansion assure conservation of representative samples of the tropical humid forests ecosystems and supports investigations of the wild flora and fauna ( land and water).
The fauna of the reserve is abundant and diverse. The number of mammal species reaches 132 species, those which stand out are the rodents and monkeys. There are 330 bird species registered, 23 of them are migratory, corresponding to 17% of all birds reported for the country. The reptiles and amphibians are estimated to be more than 150 species grouped into 20 families and they have reports of the existence of 220 fish species.
The aquatic fauna is the most important resource of the reserve, among the fish are the Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas), known for their great size and quality of their meat. Also, found here are the Giant South American Turtle (Podocnemis expansa), the Amazon Ox Manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) and the Tucuxi or River Dolphin (Sotalia fluviatilis).